About Me

Like many of you, I started my journey in the corporate world with big ambitions and a drive to make my mark. I thrived on tackling challenges, hitting deadlines, and climbing the career ladder.

But as I progressed, I realised that hard work alone wasn’t enough to truly stand out or get noticed by the right people.

As I moved into leadership roles, I faced the daunting shift from being a dependable team player to stepping up as a leader. The transition was thrilling but also overwhelming—I struggled with how to be seen as credible and authoritative without losing my authentic self. How could I manage and influence my peers?

How could I make tough decisions and still maintain respect?

Looking back, my turning point was when I connected with a coach who introduced me to the Self-Concept Model. This transformative approach helped me align my Self-Concept with the professional image I wanted to project.

With these insights, I not only navigated the complexities of leadership with newfound confidence, but I also realised that many professionals face similar hurdles: the fear of self-promotion, the weight of Impostor Syndrome, and the challenge of presenting oneself authentically while remaining relevant.

Driven by my own transformation and reflecting on some pivotal stages in my career, like being laid off and re-entering the corporate world as a new mom or emigrating and starting over in a new country, I pursued formal coaching training to help others refine their personal brands and step confidently into the spotlight. My coaching isn't just about skills; it’s about redefining how you see yourself and leveraging your unique strengths to become the professional you aspire to be.

Today, I guide professionals through this same journey—empowering them to articulate their value, build a personal brand that resonates with key decision-makers, and confidently navigate the path to greater visibility and success.

Your challenges are not unique, but your journey is. Together, we’ll craft a personal brand that not only reflects who you are but also paves the way for the opportunities you deserve. Let’s transform the way you see yourself—and how the world sees you.

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